Structured Products

Easily Explained

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Who will benefit from reading the book

Who will benefit from reading the book?

Investment Advisors and Investors

I wrote this book primarily for investment advisors and investors. My intention was to provide for the people recommending or investing in structured products an efficient means to judge and select the right products for their (clients') portfolios. Is there any value in adding a third stock to a worst-of barrier reverse convertible? How does it affect the coupon? Is it the right product to begin with? Which product does fit my (client's) risk profile? What is my (client's) risk profile? Such questions as well as dozens of others are answered chapter after chapter.

Asset Managers and CIO's

While publications about a single asset class or articles about a single product type abound, there's none I found that deals with products across all major asset classes. This should be of great help to asset managers and CIO's. The second part of the book, which proposes an original method to implement structured products in a portfolio, should be a must-read to every investor and asset manager alike.

Most finance books are limited to the pure description of some products and are often of very technic nature, and do not provide any advice about how to invest in products in real life. "How to Invest in Structured Products" is a practical guide for financial practitioners with lots of advice that help select the right product for a given portfolio. Expect no miracles, there's no such thing as a Harry Potter product summoned out of a magic wand. But there's no need to be a wizard to understand structured products either. Common sense and a little experience about how financial markets work in general is enough to understand the ins and outs of products. Contrarily to common belief, no mathematical skills are necessary to understand structured products. That's one reason why there are very few formulas in the book, the other being the fact that investors and asset managers are seldom interested in crunching numbers.

Students and Junior Traders

What I noticed later, is that the book could also be of great help to students, assistants, junior traders or sales representatives who want to study or develop their knowledge of structured products.

Business Schools and Finance Teachers

Last but not least, the book can be used by business schools and teachers in the field of banking and finance as a reference book on structured products.


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